Learn simple ways to incorporate meditation at the office to lower stress and aid the wellbeing of each employee. Promote health and wellness through meditation, and alleviate the adverse effects of stress and its associated rising health care costs.
The program utilized in this training is called Mindfulness stress reduction training. Consider this Wellness Online training course as a wonderful vacation from work.
Benefits of the program: Employees don’t have to commit much time, and could meditate and move at their desks comfortably. An employee feels more confident, more productive, increased job satisfaction and happiness. Moreover, this course helps to reduce stress and improve health and creativity.
Note: According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety, stress-related ailments cost companies about $200 to $300 billion annually in increased absenteeism, tardiness, and the loss of talented workers. 70% to 90% of employee hospital visits are linked to stress. 1 Module. Time: 06:22
Video on Demand (Online Course): $19.99