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Empowerment of the Mind

Tracy Quantum – “Power of the Mind” This video demonstrates simple ways to meditate and increase sustainability. Go Green meditations, Empowerment of the Mind. Power of the Mind   Note: Specifically, with regards to medical issues, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding […]

What is Love? Watch Video

What is Love? How do you embrace love in today’s business environment? Is a loving relationship realistic? Is it possible to avoid separation through love? How can you determine whether you’re dating the right person? How can you give more love to yourself?  Can businesses increase market shares while investing in human capital? The answers […]

How To Measure Success-Video

If you are concern about  job worries, health, stress, depression and home, this video will help indentify your core strengths. The video demonstrates the POWER of your MIND! It offers quick suggestions on how to think POSITIVE thoughts to create SUCCESS in business and life. It can drastically increase positive results in corporate business, family, relationship and health. (more…)

Welcome to

TRACY QUANTUM, LLC offers meditation training courses to assist corporations, community-based organizations and small business owners increase productivity, provide superior customer service, and strengthen employee satisfaction and retention. Tracy, one of the world’s leading experts in using meditation in the workplace, has been energizing people to expand beyond their limits and realize their maximum potential […]