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TQ People Meditation

Did You Know These People Meditate?

Let’s face it, there’s a certain kind of stereotype we all think of when we think of people who are into meditation: a modern-day hippie who shops at farmers’ markets, wears second-hand clothing made from recycled burlap, and spends their free time rescuing baby seals and listening to esoteric eastern music. Of course, this person […]

TQ _ schools

Meditation is Changing Schools

Public education is a subject, which presents many challenges in today’s ever-changing environment. In San Francisco, however, real solutions are being implemented. One of those real solutions happens to be meditation, and it’s working incredibly well. You would think something as progressive as implementing mandatory meditation sessions at school would first be tried out at […]

TQ Meditation __ new era

Why Do We “Choke?”

You’re standing up in front of a room full of people, and you’ve just dived into your speech that you’ve rehearsed a million times, when all of a sudden, something terrible happens: you forget your lines. Even worse, as you try to recover from the awkward silence and get back on track, you do it clumsily, stuttering […]