Tag Archives: meditation


Meditation for Veterans with PTSD

Instances of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been documented as far back as 490 BC. In America, it has been a prevalent issue among returning veterans since before the Vietnam War. The anxiety related disorder is not limited to veterans, it also affects people who have experienced an event often relating to injury, death or […]


Meditation Benefits on the Immune System

Staying well means being well, and being well takes a lot of key ingredients including diet, exercise, low stress and positive mental health. It’s not always easy to balance these, as stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, making it harder to maintain a sense of wellness.  Stress lowers the immune system’s ability to function, […]

Ingenuity Meets Compassion – New Video

Please Check out this exciting cutting-edge video, which provides simple solutions for Sustainability, Wellness, Abundance, Love and Eco-friendly meditations. Watch now! Click here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7lRGc8BeCQ (more…)

Green Environments Essential for Human Health

ScienceDaily — Research shows that a walk in the park is more than just a nice way to spend an afternoon. It’s an essential component for good health, according to University of Illinois environment and behavior researcher Frances “Ming” Kuo. (more…)

Quite Moments- New Video!!!

Check out this Exciting New Cutting Edge video.  This is a film about how to recognize Beauty in the midst of hardship. The human mind has the powerful ability to evoke change from within and it all starts with a single Thought. Please click here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moMWalw0roA (more…)